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Deciding when it's time for a new furnace installation can be tricky. Most homeowners want to hang on to their furnaces for as long as possible but sometimes new furnace installation is inevitable. According to Bob Vila, the expected lifespan of your furnace is about 15 to 25 years, largely depending on how well it is cared for and the model furnace. Here are three signs that you are ready for a new furnace installation.
Many homeowners feel a sense of pride when their furnace starts getting up in the years and still functions. Yes, it is something to be proud of if your furnace outlasts most because it says that you took care of your furnace. However, hanging on to your old furnace may cost you more than you think.
If your furnace is past its expected lifespan, you are likely not getting the energy efficiency you could be. That means you are throwing money away. A new furnace will be far more energy efficient and you can look forward to another 25 years of reliable service.
Patching your furnace back together every season indicates that you should consider a new installation. When you start throwing good money after bad, it is time to make a change. If you have had your furnace repaired more than three times in the last four years, it's time for a new one.
Repeatedly making repairs may seem like cost savings but you're probably spending more than you need to. Repairs are a temporary solution to an ongoing problem and can be expensive.
You must do the math when you weigh whether to repair or get a new furnace. If the repair cost is 30% or more for a new furnace, it may be better to get a new furnace and all the benefits it offers. Don't forget that a new furnace is fully required.
Making repairs doesn't guarantee that another component won't have to be repaired down the road. One of the best ways to determine if you need a new furnace or if a new furnace is a better option is to work with a trusted furnace installer. Call us today at Best Heating And Air Conditioning, Inc for a good diagnosis.
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